Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 2, 2012 ~ A Big Holiday Weekend

Billy had a holiday-packed weekend.

Saturday we were supposed to go to the Lighted Boat Parade. It was great weather, but unfortunately Daddy got hung up out of town so we weren't able to go. Billy was really looking forward to it, so I took him to Watson's to see Santa's reindeer instead.

Apparently, Rudolf and his reindeer friends are on strike this year. No worries! Santa was able to find some magical flying baby alpacas to get presents there on time.

Billy checking out the magical flying alpacas.

"No, Mommy. They're llamas," he says. Well, not to pick a nit, but those are alpacas. As Grandma said, "you've seen llamas next to alpacas, so you would know." It's true. Daddy and I went to Peru, home of the llama and the alpaca. Also home to their wild cousin the vicuna (v-eye-coon-yah). Easy way to tell is that if it's cute, it's an alpaca.These are extra cute, since they are just babies.

After this I got to go out with the ladies for the evening and had a wonderful time. Thank you JB for the ticket. You're awesome!

On Sunday I promised to take Billy to the store to buy his very own ornament for the tree. He didn't get to help me decorate. I vacillated between having him help, or not, but given the number of important breakable ornaments, I decided to wait until next year. But I want him to feel included, so we went to the store to buy an ornament for him. He got to pick out whatever he wanted (within reason).

He chose this:

By the way, that's plastic, so he can pull it off of the tree and I don't have to worry. He also has some other favorites on the tree. The top is a little old car that used to belong to his namesake. Then my ladybug and then Scooby-Do's Mystery Van (it talks).

I also introduced him to some more classic music. His new favorite song is "See You Later, Alligator". It's also, coincidentally (and the reason I played the song for him) his current favorite phrase.

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