Billy started the day extra early. He got up at 7:30! Off to the races.
He came into the den where all of his toys are but still didn't know what to make of the giant pile of birthday presents. It's almost like he's afraid of his new toys, like they are invaders from outer space. I had to throw all of the toys into the pack'n'play and bring out the old toys to appease him.
I like background noise so I popped on Tangled. Ok, it's a girl movie. But while Mommy still gets to make the programming choices we're going to watch the kids movies that I find appealing. He doesn't really pay any attention to the tv anyway- a difficult feat, since the tv is half the wall. But when the Disney castle came on in the very beginning he ran over to the tv table, bounced up and down, clapped his hands and giggled. Once the movie started he began wildly banging his hands on the table in amusement. Disney fan in the making? Seems that way!
Grandma came over for a visit in the afternoon. Grandma, Billy, Buddy and myself went out into our court to enjoy the nice weather. I got out his brand new tricycle that Billy got for his birthday. While Buddy rolled in the grass, I pushed Billy around on this bright green plastic piece of awesome. Billy loves it. I push him around. Then he gets bored and hops off by himself. Then a few minutes later he's asking for me to push him around again (he tries to climb on by himself and gets frustrasted so comes over and pulls me towards the bike). When not riding around he was picking up sticks and chasing after Buddy with them. Sticks are endless hours of amusement.
Finally, we had to come inside for food. I plopped Billy in his chair and gave him some leftover peas and corn while I made grilled cheeses for all of us. He slowly picked each morsel off of his tray, held his hand over the edge, made sure Grandma or Mommy were watching and then released. Baby version of "I don't want this, gimme my grilled cheese!" Grilled cheese is his absolute favorite food.
Late afternoon brought a trip to Wal-Mart. I was tired of using the pack'n'play as a toy chest, so I wanted to find something better. Grandma went with us to pick up a few things for herself. Billy loves shopping carts but soon decided he wanted down. The next thing I know he's laying on the ground trying to push the cart from the bottom. It would have been funny if it weren't a dirty Wal-Mart floor!
After Wal-Mart brought nap number two. At daycare Billy sleeps for 2-3 hours in the middle of the day. All of the kids are on the same schedule in his class. The thing is, he just had a growth spurt (went from size 9 month to size 18 month in 2 weeks) and since he started in the Toddler room he has been SUPER tired on the weekends. I guess I could push the one-nap-a-day, but usually I let him dictate what he needs. Honestly, I think he still needs two naps a day. He needs one long nap starting at 11am and one short nap in the late afternoon. He's very cranky by dinner if he doesn't get both.
I had to wake him up from Second Nap to give him dinner. It was going to be super easy- I had leftovers from last night. I had a plate all ready in the fridge of hot dogs and cut green beans that Daddy made for him. (Yeah, I know hot dogs are bad, but boy are they tasty). And here we go again. He started picking up the green beans one at a time and slowly dropping them on to the floor. We have to kick him of this habit! I was already prepping dinner for Chris and myself. So, a took a bunch of apples I was chopping up and cooked them them really fast in a pyrex cup in the microwave. He LOVES apples. Water + chopped apples + cinnamon + 3 minutes= yummy food for baby. He ate all of his apples and most of his hot dog. But when it came to the green beans it was a No Go. I tried spoon feeding, giving him a fork, etc. I ended up feeding him the peas he didn't eat from lunch. He ate those no problem. But with the green beans he actually pushed the plate away. Okay, okay! Mommy, gets the message!
I let him have dessert after dinner- leftover birthday cake. He probably didn't deserve it after the green bean stunt, but it's his cake and it won't be good for too much longer. Surprisingly, not much mess. Yup, he ate the cake with a fork and kept the mess to a minimum. Okay, there was some icing in his eyebrow and somehow on the back of his head, but his clothes were clean this time!
After dinner we went back to the den for more play time. Can we say sugar rush? It was a very tiny piece of cake, but boy was he all wound up! He pushed his popper all over the place! This is by far his favorite bday present- the one Mommy and Daddy let him pick out himself.
I decided to try out a "boy" movie for him as background noise. So I put on Tron Legacy. I thought that the graphics would be really cool for him. It might as well have been the evening news. After the bouncing and giggles over Tangled, Tron was totally ignored. It must be the bright colors that he loves to much. It's funny to think in a few years it will probably be the opposite.
Well, Daddy was running late and Billy was up until 9 wearing off his sugar rush, so it was off to bed late. He got two bedtime stories to help him wind down. Fortunately, after the bottle he was sound asleep and ready for tomorrow's new adventures!
I went to work! I assembled the new bookshelf we bought at Wal-Mart. The pack'n'play is gone and we have so much more floor space. I put all of his toys neatly on the shelves and his stuffed animals into a new decorative wicker basket that I bought. It looks great! He can see all of his toys and select what he wants to play with. I'm so excited to see how he likes it in the morning!
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