Yesterday Billy skipped a nap. The consquence: Mr. Crankypants.
The first thing he did this morning when he got up was to lay right down on the floor next to the crib, face on the floor, bum in the air and start crying. Poor guy, he just wanted to sleep, but woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Boy was he Upset Baby all morning. Cheerios? Wah! Milk? Thrown on the floor. Yogurt.. ok, yum- but not fast enough with the spoon brought another Wah! Time for shoes? Wah! Everything brought tears. It's tough to be a tired lil guy.
At dinnertime Grandpop and Uncle Alex came over and we all went out. We ordered Billy a grilled cheese- his absolute favorite, but he didn't want it. Nope. He tried to throw it on the floor. We walked around the restaurant, mostly deserted from the weather, and closely examined the ceiling fans and overhead lights. Interesting enough, but still a cranypants.
But then all of the adult food arrived. Ooh... "Can I have some of that?" Did he want Grandpop's steak? Nope- fork yes, steak no. Did he want Daddy's mashed potatoes? Nope. Did he want Uncle Alex's food? Nope. Did he want Mommy's soda? YES! (Yeah, sorry, no chance on that one Lil Man). Did he want his sippy cup with water? No! Did he want Grandpop's water glass when Mommy offered it? YES! And he drank half of it while vehemently refusing to take the sippy cup. Did he want Mommy's food? YES!
So, Billy ended up eating Mommy's chicken fajitas for dinner with sour cream, cheese, lettuce and guacamole. After every bite he threw his head back and opened wide- "More, Mommy, more!" The result? Giggles and laughs and all around happy baby. Apparently, fajitas cure the grumpypants. Who knew?
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