Friday, February 1, 2013

January 31, 2013 ~ Purple Friday

Gearing up for the game.

It's the last Purple Friday of the season, and a rare on at that. This is only the second ever Super Purple Friday. Billy is ready. This is Purple Friday, New Orleans style.

(What's Purple Friday you ask? In Raven Country we support our favorite football team by wearing purple every Friday during the football season until the Raven's season ends. It's typical to see jerseys on Fridays too. During playoffs Ravens fans go all out in purple.)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 29, 2013 ~ Let's Paint a Picture

There was no way I was going to *take* a picture, so let's paint one instead.

In the middle of dinner Billy said to me, "Mommy I have to pee" just as I heard a loud gushing sound.

No worries! I brought spare clothes this time! Only, they were damp from a spilled sippy cup in the bag. Damn! But I Was in luck! Threw them into Grandma's dryer. Only problem was, Billy had to sit around without clothes for 20 minutes.

So, picture this:

Billy, in a yellow sweater that's too big for him with nothing on his bottom half. He wanted to wear shoes, so he put on Grandma's tennis shoes- on the wrong feet. Then he walked around the kitchen that way, dragging a stuffed elephant in a beer box through a sea of spilled newspapers that he had created.

And that folks, is a worth AT LEAST a thousand words.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 28, 2013 ~ Chocolate Soup

While waiting for dinner to cook I served Billy a special treat. I had made dessert and decided to let him eat it before dinner instead of after.

It was chocolate pudding.

Billy loved it. But he insisted it wasn't pudding. It was "chocolate soup". And boy did he like it. Moreover, not only is it yummy to eat, it's awesome to paint the table with!

And no, I didn't take a photo of the pudding art.

January 27, 2013 ~ Mow the Snow

A day late and a dollar short...

It snowed this weekend. Finally! Billy has been itching to go play in the snow. What he really wants is to go sledding. He has a book about sledding. And Grandpop gave us a sled. But, alas, you can't sled on grass.

Well, it wasn't enough snow for sledding, but at least it didn't rain immediately after, so we were able to go out and play.

Billy opted to wear his new hat. This one matches his pink hat, only I haven't made ears for it yet. As you can see, sans ears it still works as a hat.

He insisted even before we went outside that he fetch his lawn mower.

He wanted to "mow the snow". He mowed until his little nose turned red.

Then we went inside for hot chocolate.
He's had hot chocolate before and didn't really take to it, since he doesn't really like anything warm or hot. I am often putting food in the freezer to make cold whatever I just heated up. But after playing in the snow and the opportunity to eat marshmallows, he was willing to try "warm chocolate".

Highlights from this weekend:

Buddy got a haircut. Billy thought this was the funniest thing in the world. Dogs getting haircuts. Really.

Billy was playing with a toy train made up of blocks. He pulled all of the blocks off of the base and announced, "The train is naked! Naked train, naked train!"


Daddy made stir fry for dinner. He refused to eat the chicken. He pulled out the chicken strips and put them on the table. "I no like squirrel," he said. He decided Daddy had cooked squirrel (to my knowledge Daddy has never cooked a squirrel.) We asked him where it came from. He informed us it was the squirrel from Grandpop's attic that we were eating. (See the Thanksgiving weekend 2012 post.)
