Last night we packed up the whole family and went for dinner to our friends' house. Billy was waiting with baited breath (read: whining all day long) to go see his friend, slightly older, that he admires greatly. The two of them have excellent adventures together.
Well, anyway, Billy was very chatty on his way over to see our friends. But Daddy and I couldn't figure out what he was trying to say. Strings of identical words in rapid succession. Then, when I looked back at him in his carseat, I saw his hand motions and suspected he might be singing.
"Pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh!" Take a breath.
"Pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh!" Take a breath.
"Pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh!" Take a breath.
Sounds like a bunch of nonsense, right? Yeah, that's what we thought at first, too. But then I saw him twisting his hands together.
"Oh! Pie-duh!" You know. Pie-duh. Like the big black one that scared me poopless while I was gardening today. Pie-duh. Aka spi-duh. Yes, spider!
He was singing (in my clearly genetic out-of-tune fingernails on chalkboard way) Itsy Bitsy Spider. It was the hand motions that gave it away. But I got it!
So Daddy and I joined in, in unison-very Brady Bunch, singing along in the car to Itsy Bitsy Spider.
"The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the..."
"NO!" Billy shouted.
"Pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh!" Take a breath.
"Pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh!" Take a breath.
"Pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh, pie-duh!" Take a breath.
He wanted to serenade us with his very own rendition and didn't want any help. Just remember- pie-duh, pie-duh!