That's right folks. Can't call him two- that's through. Well past one- that's done. Now he's three-yippee!
He started his birthday weekend with a trip to Urban Pirates. That's a tourist attraction in the harbor designed for kids. It's a "pirate ship" although it has a motor, and the go out into the harbor. A bad pirate in a run-about chases them and they get to squirt him with water cannons. They also get to dress up, sing pirate songs and say Aargh! a lot.
I bought tickets for Billy and Cub to go with their dads and have the full pirate experience. Billy liked it, but I'm pretty sure he liked his party more.
The next day we had Billy's friends and some immediate family over for a party and cake. Billy and his friends got to dress like pirates.
Captain Dogbeard had been sailing his ship, the Jolly Minnow, in our back yard the night before when it was shipwrecked. He needed a few willing pirates to join his crew and help him recover his treasure that had been scattered all through the yard. The pirates had to hunt down doubloons and big jewels. They also found Dogbeard's treasure box filled with sugary loot.
This is the Jolly Minnow. She's listing a little to port...
The pirates also got to pin the flag on the treasure map and generally run amuck.
The pirates feasted on cake and goodies (the cheese curls were a big hit as were the veggie straws).
Then the friends had to leave, but Cub and the twins stuck around for a pizza dinner and some serious meltdowns. (We had some pooped pirated on our hands).
And that was Billy's big pirate weekend.
Happy Birthday lil man!