Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9, 2011 ~ Fall Fun and Billy Learns to Dance!

I woke up this morning to two little hands and two laughing eyes peeping up over the edge of the mattress. When I opened my eyes I got a "Aah! Mamamamamama!" followed by lots of bouncing. That's a good way to wake up, especially since Daddy let me sleep in.

Billy got to try out his new toy storage.
He wasn't sure what to make of it. He kept looking under the coffee table where we used to keep a bunch of toys. But, it's much cleaner and he did start pulling things off the shelf that he wanted to play with.

Before nap time we headed out to Webber's Farm to have some fall fun. It wasn't very fall-like today. It was VERY hot and none of the trees have turned yet, but it was a good day to go out. Billy got to sit on a tractor, do a hay maze, meet some turkeys and goats and do a haunted house tour. The whole experience was a little overwhelming I think. He was very serious the whole time and wanted a death grip on Daddy's hand at all times. Still, he was very interested in everything and on the car ride home he was giggling to himself. Probably giggling over the giant bird with feathers sticking straight up out of its bum.

In the evening after a day of play I put on some party music just for fun. I picked up Billy and danced him around the den. When he was much smaller dancing with him in my arms was the only way to appease him if he were really fussy. Once we started in daycare though, we just fell out of the habit. Well, he wanted to get down. "Tequila" came on and I was dancing around to encourage him. The next thing I know he's stutter-stepping and bouncing up and down. Yup! He started to dance! The next song that came on was "The Twist" which didn't inspire him at all. But then Glenn Miller's "In the Mood" came on and he ran over to the speakers and started bouncing and stutter-stepping again. Lil Man can dance. :)

Bath time brought more new-toy-phobia. When I organized last night I put the new bath toys in the tub for him to use today. So I plopped him down and tossed in some old toys and some new ones. He picked up the new ones and threw them out of his baby tub. He got a little red boat which he took a particular hatred to. He threw it on to the bathroom floor. When I picked it up and held it he cried. So I handed it to him and he vehemently threw it on the floor again. Red Boat is NOT allowed in the bathtub apparently. Once all of the new toys were removed he went about happily playing. Maybe tomorrow Red Boat will find its way into his good graces.

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