Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 21, 2011 ~ iBilly

Usually, Billy is a very nice, happy toddler. Not when he comes home from daycare. After a day at daycare he is exhausted, picky and wants LOTS of attention. Daddy and I struggle to find new activities to keep him entertained, happy and hopefully learning.

Today I was trying to entertain Billy during dinner. Normally, he loves to eat almost anything you put in front of him. Not today. Today he literally turned his nose up at food he usually likes. It's pretty funny to watch him snub food. He didn't want dinner. He wanted the cookies he could see on the table, the yogurt snacks he could see hidden on the counter and the cheese and crackers Daddy was eating while cooking. I finally gave him a couple of fries just to get him to eat. Those he liked. Dinner... not so much.

The epic struggle over broccoli has come to an end and Billy is victorious. He ate everything I sent with him to daycare (as usual). Except, one container was full of broccoli. Yeah, he picked the broccoli out of the mixed veggies and refused to eat it. Everything else was gone. So long, broccoli. We'll miss you on the table.

After dinner it was off to the races. I tried a pillow pile, musical instruments, airplanes- nothing seemed to catch his attention for long. He just didn't want to play with the toys at hand.

Then Daddy let Billy sit in his lap and help play with the iPad. Here is Billy sliding the images around on the screen. Boy, was this exciting. He was so happy for five minutes. Then he wanted me to find new entertainment for him.

So, with bedtime approaching, we opted for some storytime. We read "Goodnight, Construction Site." He seemed interested and then went to grab another book off of the shelf. I picked up a pop-up book and showed him the pop-ups. He got so excited by it that he ripped the zebra right out of the book. Now that little book will be going to the book doctor (Mommy's work) to get patched up.

He was so tired that he went to bed early- a decision he made himself. I'm sure they keep him busy at daycare. This morning he wanted to show me the big mural he did with his class yesterday. At least he was excited to show me what he was up to and to join his classmates. It makes it easier to leave him when he's not screaming bloody murder when I leave.

And so, early to bed and less to report. I'm sure he's dreaming of tomorrow's adventures, whatever they might be. Until then!

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