Monday, October 17, 2011

October 16, 2011 ~ Moonwalking with Tin Foil

After a big day yeasterday we spent a "quiet" day at home. It wasn't actually supposed to be so quiet, but Daddy and I made the decision not to take Billy to the Ravens game. We had tickets, but I couldn't imagine Billy sitting in one place for 3 hours with screaming, crazy fans all around him. Nope. No Go.

So today was an at-home day.

This morning he wanted to help me clean, so I put a broom in his hand and invited him sweep. He doesn't have the hang of it yet, but he loves the idea of sweeping and knows enough not to walk through the dirt pile. Boy, was it trouble when I brought out the vacuum cleaner, though. He's seen it, just never on. So I got his attention and explained about the noise BEFORE I turned it on. As soon is it roared to life he started screaming. I turned it off and invited him to come investigate. He came over to look at it. But rather that get excited about the shiny machine with lights and loud sounds, he grabbed Mommy's hand and pulled me away from the evil, scary vacuum.

We went from sweeping to pushing random items around  the room. I noticed that he was starting to pull in stead of push- walking backwards. Then, he repeated the backwards walking when not holding on to anything. This is the first time I have witnessed him walk backwards intentionally. That's my Moonwalking Baby!

Grandma came over for lunch round #2. Billy flat out refused to eat his strawberries, since Grandma had brought cookies for him. What kid wouldn't want cookies for lunch? He was definitely starting on the crabbies when he didn't get them. Hmm.

After Second Nap Billy was starving and the game was on. So I gave Billy some leftover pakoras to nom on (Indian food). He loves Indian food and several other ethnic cuisines. He loves  pakoras; how can you really go wrong with fried veggie balls? He gladly ate them all up and then tried to lick up the crumbs.

When they were gone he discovered that the tin foil they came in is a pretty cool toy. It has expanding and contracting qualities and just giggled with delight over the possibilties. He's got all of these expensive toys, but it's the tin foil he wants to play with. Go figure.

After two naps and a major case of the grumps all day, Billy refused to go to bed. I put him to bed, but he was up again raoming around until Daddy got home. I think he wanted to say goodnight to Daddy. With no excuse for being so tired and such a major case of the unhappies, I'm thinking New Tooth. Boy, are they mean when they come in, but how we love them once we've got them. How else can you eat pakoras?

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