Daddy cooked a very tasty dinner for all of us tonight. BBQ chicken with sauteed veggies and baked potatoes. Tonight, unlike most nights, he ate dinner with us. He had already been plied with cheese and apples to keep him happy during the cooking, so he wasn't especially hungry. We skipped the potato- there's no chance that he would eat it. So, he got chicken (off the bone) and mixed veggies.
Well, the first thing he did was go for his juice. When he stuck the straw in his eye instead of his mouth I laughed to keep him from crying. Seeing that I found him amusing, he purposely stuck it back in his eye. Can we say ham? He continued to try to amuse me until Daddy tried to give him broccoli.
Now, we know that he's not the biggest fan. But he's eaten it before. Daddy doctored it up with a little bacon, hoping to convince him to eat it. Who wouldn't want to eat little trees? Billy. He picked up a piece, licked it, and then began ripping to shreds that poor little tree. Kernel by kernel he pulled it apart, depositing the remains onto his tray with glee. When he was done it was on to the next unsuspecting tree. It was a massacre!
Seriously, broccoli goes with cheese or butter. You can steam it, grill it, saute it, stir fry it- and it looks like a tiny tree. Who wouldn't want to eat broccoli? Ok, well, Prez Bush, Sr. won't eat his broccoli. And Billy's namesake wouldn't eat his either. Maybe he's just destined to dislike broccoli.
Beware, little trees! Billy's got your number!
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