I was woken up this morning by a very excited toddler Attack Hugging me. Daddy got up with him early and fed him waffles. He apparently ate two all by himself. Then, after letting me sleep for awhile, Billy just had to come wake Mommy up. He's very excited to see me around again.
This morning's movie while playing was finding Nemo. Daddy bought it for him yesterday. He didn't pay any attention to it with Daddy, but this morning he thought it was pretty cool. He really likes the fish. When I pointed to the screen I named the two fish that were talking, Marlin and Dory. He looked at me and said Arlin Doh. He also pointed to a duck today and said, "Ack, ack!" Speaking is not far away.
I'm not really sure what to count as his first word. For months now he's been saying "mamamama" and "dadadada". But he doesn't stop at Mama and Dada and we're trying to get him to say Mommy and Daddy instead. Mid September he parroted "God bless you" perfectly. Clearly, he didn't understand what he was saying. But now he can point to an animal and if you ask him what that animal says he will tell you. The cow says "moo" (he got the m today), the duck says "ack ack", the lamb says "ba-a-a-a", the pig says "oy, oy", the goat says "ma-a-a-a" and the Buddy says "awf, awf". You tell me, has he said his first word or is that yet to come?
So after naptime we went outside to play on the trike until Grandma arrived for a visit. When she got here I ran out to buy a birthday present for the party later. Grandma tells me that he played with his standing table the whole time I was gone because he got to sit in Grandma's lap. She stayed after I got back to watch him eat his pasta for lunch- and be coy about it. He's such a flirt.
Then it was time to go to the birthday party. We went to see his good friend T turn 3. T is one of Billy's best friends. T's party was pirate themed. Unfortunately for Billy, the party was geared for older kids and the gym was full of neat things for older kids to play with, but he had fun anyway. We couldn't really join in the party festivities, but Billy ran around chasing balls and bubbles and had a merry time climbing on the mats.
After play time came the food. Billy got to sit next to T and the table. All of the kids got a little snack plate with fruit and pretzels. Billy ate all of the grapes and then tried the pretzels. He's liked those. T noticed that Billy didn't have any more grapes, so he went and got more for Billy. It was really sweet. Then came the cake. I let Billy have some, but he decided he wanted the grapes more. He turned his nose up at the cake. So Mommy ate Billy's piece.
When the party was done Billy got to take home a white balloon and a treasure box with pirate ducks inside. I tied the balloon to the leg of a stuffed animal so he could reach the short string. Billy thinks that balloon is a really cool toy, but he wishes the animal wasn't tied to the string. The paper treasure box was probably the biggest hit of the day. You can put things in and take them out and put them back in again. The toys ducks clearly spent the afternoon going in and out of the treasure chest.
For dinner Grandpop came over and we went to get Chinese at a fancy place in Hunt Valley. At that point Billy was full from the party and tired from the activity. He wasn't interested in the edamame and steamed dumplings- both of which he loves. He finally got so tired that he laid his head down on the table right in his food and tried to go to sleep. That didn't work out so well, so Mommy boxed up her dinner (which I still haven't eaten) and walked Billy down to see the live piano. When Grandpop was done eating we headed home. Billy was sound asleep by the time we got home and didn't wake up when we transferred him from the car to the crib.
He sure had a long and busy day. Happy birthday T! And argh to all Billy's mateys!
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