So yesterday I forgot to write about a silly little thing that Billy has started doing. He's taken to Daddy's dirty sock. I twas on the floor and he picked it up and wrapped it around his neck like a scarf and was loving it with his cheek. I took it away from him and tossed it into the hamper. He dug it out and continued to strut around with his dirty Daddy sock. When you're young it's cute, right?
At daycare they have some black cats hanging in the window. Apparently, whenever Billy wakes up from his nap he talks to the cats. At home he sings a silly Billy song, off key, tuneless. That's how I knwo to go get him. But now he's talking to paper cats. Hmm.
We went to Grandma's to eat and dress from Trick-or-treating. Billy was lucky enough to have an experienced trick-or-treater to show him the ropes. We went up to a neighborhood in Hunt Valley and walked around. That neighborhood really gets into it. Billy got a full-sized Buttrfinger at the first house and refused to let go of it. So we walked around and wished everyone a Happy Halloween, but let him just have the butter finger in his hand. Eventually, he decided he was hungry and tried to eat it through the wrapper. Ok, so then I had to take it away.
He got to stay up late and enjoy lots of Halloween decorations. When I tried to put him down he didn't want to go. He wanted me to rub his belly. He even helped by grabbing my hand and forcing me to keep rubbing his belly after I stopped .Eventually, he drifted off and I'm sure he's dreaming of sweets and ghosts.
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