Monday, January 21, 2013

January 20, 2013 ~ Pony Rides, Lollipops, Cupcakes and Ravens

Sunday was a jam-packed day of activity.

We started the morning with a trip to the Horse Show with Miss A. She's big into horses and Billy loves them too. I am happy that she wants to share her passion with him. He wanted to ride the ponies, so we did. Then he got a lollipop. You would have thought it was the best day ever. Maybe it was...and it was only just the morning! Billy also clapped for the first time that I've seen. I don't mean baby clapping. I mean sitting ringside and clapping at the appropriate moment when the horse jumped over the jump. It was terribly cute.

After nap it was off to a gymnastics birthday party. Billy clung to me like a spider monkey. He wouldn't let me put him down. He was so terrified. And these were all of his classmates. He sees them daily. But still, it was a lot to process. Finally, he warmed up and went to play.

Blogger is having issues and won't let me insert a photo. Photo to come here.

Then after the party we went over to Cub's house to watch the Ravens game. The boys got to stay up for the whole game, because, let's be honest- we were going to leave the TV to go spend a half hour getting them down. Nope. Forget it. Better to just let them watch.

Billy really got into it. He doesn't understand the game yet. But when the adults screamed joyfully, he did too, running around saying "Go Ravens!" "Go Flacco!" and "touchdown!!!"

AND... Billy only had one accident this weekend. So thrilled with him. He pooped in the potty like a big boy. He asked when he had to go potty and held it until we got to the potty. He even (when naked just before bed) went and pottied by himself in the dark bathroom and came and got me to tell me he peed. And I can't blame him for the one accident. It was right after the Ravens won the game. Honestly, I was so excited I almost peed my own pants!

Highlights from this weekend:

"Mommy, I reach up and touch the stars and moon. But I need ladder first."

"Mommy, when you say 'no' to me you make me sad."

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