Monday, October 1, 2012

Billy Turns Two

Oh my goodness... where have I been?

No posts since Friday? I post every day. What happened?

Well, let's start with Friday, and I'm sorry but I'm going to have to rush this post, but I have to go back in to work tonight. Anyways, I'm good with production schedules. So, when planning a party I have a production schedule. It means I don't have to rush too much. Although, I always seem to end up leaving things to last minute, mostly because life gets in the way.

Well, there was a list of items that needed doing for Saturday and Sunday morning before the big party. It wasn't too much. And i had it broken into things Daddy needed to do, plus my own (much longer) list.

Daddy on Friday night decided to go climbing at the climbing gym. And then he promptly fell off the bouldering wall. He claims the top of the wall is only 12 feet up, but Daddy is prone to underexaggeration, so I suspect he might have been higher up. Anyways, he busted up his ankle and came in late Friday with a grapefruit for a foot begging for ice and medicine. That meant a trip to the store in my jammies. So out into the rain I went to fetch drugs and Ace bandages. We had ice.

Saturday Daddy was in pretty bad shape. He spent most of the day with his foot propped up and well medicated. That meant that I needed to do all of Daddy's chores to get ready for the party, plus my own, plus take care of Billy (except during nap when I had to run out) and take care of Daddy. Uh oh. That's a lot of work. I got up at dawn and went to bed at midnight, taking no break and powering through.

Sunday morning I was back up at dawn cleaning, making deviled eggs and trying to be ready for everything. Daddy must have felt bad, so he ran my two quick errands I had to do so I could do stuff around the house, of course with little man under foot.

Then, last night after everyone had left the party (yes, I'll get to the party- read on) Billy started having breathing trouble. This escalated into bad breathing trouble, puking, crying and being up all night. So, he was the priority- not the blog. His breathing still isn't right, but we see the doctor tomorrow. I suspect we'll be heading off to the hospital in the morning. Ugh, another trip.

So here I am exhausted, sleep-deprived and ready to collapse and have to head into work for a late night. It's shoot week. There's no rest for the weary. So, I apologize if the blog suffers, but I will try to post each night, especially on break from shooting.

On to the birthday boy...

He got up and the house was already decorated for the party. He wanted to "have it" and "touch it" all of the decorations. There might have been a few meltdowns about not ripping up the decorations before the party. Maybe just a few.

He tried on the birthday hat and checked out the presents.


He had a grand time helping me clean (he loves to clean) and trying to steal chips from the table. He was all excited about balloons and cake, not that he'd seen them yet. Then it was off to nap. He didn't want to nap- he wanted to party. I can't blame him. But finally I got him to go to sleep. And I had to wake him up so he wouldn't miss his own party.

The guests arrived and the party was on! Billy wanted to be held most of the time and he was very unsure by all of his favorite people in the world all being in the same room at the same time. It was very overwhelming.

But then there was cake. Wedding cake (Aunt S I'll save you a piece). Mommy and Daddy's wedding cake- baked fresh of course. Nothing but the best for lil man. He had a big ole piece and a big ole sugar rush to go with it.

Then it was on to opening presents. He owned one and wanted to go play with it. But it was in a box. "Can I have it?" he asked. Sure (but not right now). That's a hard thing to open presents and then have to put them aside to open more. That's tough on a small person. Well, anyway, I made Billy move on to the next one but Daddy wanted to play with it. That started Billy with a near meltdown (but he didn't do it!) because Daddy got to play with it but not Billy. Daddy finally put it away and we moved on. With each gift he quietly asked me, "Have it?" (He's asking if he can have it). And, since he had lots of friends about, he shared with his friends so they wouldn't feel left out.

Billy loves all of his gifts and he thanks everyone so much for everything. He will personally thank each of you later, but for now a big thanks from Billy!

After presents we headed outside for the pinata (I know it's an enya, but I don't have that glyph on my keyboard). Anyways, we went without a blindfold since everyone was so young. It was a pirate ship pinata. Which, I actually didn't get a picture of. I wasn't in camera mode yesterday- too busy. The kids all took turns whacking at the pirate ship, but it didn't want to break. So Daddy ripped it open and threw candy everywhere for the kids to pick up. The two youngest kids (Billy being one of them) weren't quite sure about picking up candy off the ground, but it all worked out in the end. Billy immediately ate a lollipop and loved it. Then he wanted another. And another. Sugar, sugar, sugar.

But, since there was a break in the rain and the party was coming to an end, everyone headed out. We were so glad everyone could be there for his special day. We missed some important people who couldn't make it, but we'll see them soon, I'm sure.

So, it's official. Billy is two.

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