Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25, 2012 It's the Big "I'm Back" Blog Post

Well, after a nutty week at work and a crazy week in the rest of my life I am back at this blogging thing. Here goes:

This weekend we drove Billy out to the mountains to try out camping for the first time in 2012. We went with some very awesome people and had a wonderful time. The weather was nice. We had some hijinks, had to mount a 2am search party and there may have been a manpile, but everybody made it home safe and sound.

Billy's only problem with camping is sleeping. Why wold you want to sleep when you are surrounded by super cool adventures at every turn. I mean, really... a nap? Seriously? When there's a mountain to be climbed?

You can go ahead and caption this picture anyway you like. Daddy decided to get his native on, since he has at least one drop of Native American blood in him. Mind you, not from a tribe in West Virginia, but apparently being up in the mountains just brings it out. Behind my boys is Seneca Rocks.

Billy also made some canine friends on our trip, specifically the two living in camp with us. I think his favorite was Leo, who Billy called Lay-low. I'm pretty sure he thought the dog's name was "yellow" since he pronounced the name close to how he calls the color. Either way, Leo was a perfect Billy size and they are definitely friends now.

And that brings us to poor Buddy who didn't get to go. We had epic meltdown when Buddy went on his own adventure to Grandma's. Billy was sure BudBud was gone. No amount of convincing could get him to stop screaming for his favorite dog. Of course, once he got into the whole camping thing I asked him if he wanted to go home and see BudBud and he responded..."no."

Highlights from our trip:
Billy putting his sunglasses on, taking a dramatic pause... "Cool."

"Billy, what are mountains made of?"
"Big rocks."

And let's not forget his first melon:

Yum! Yum!

And now on to today...

Every day is an adventure. Who needs to drive to the highest point in West Virginia to find one? Not me.

We got to daycare and there were only two kids in his class there and the teachers had out thermometers. Uh oh. They told me the school was having an outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Um, ok... slowly back out towards the door. I had just bathed Billy and he was perfectly spotless. Uninfected. The first kid to show symptoms got sick on Friday and Billy wasn't in school on Friday. Bullet dodged. Phew!

So, I decided not to leave him there and expose him to the disease. Nope. I drove home and packed up everything I needed to take Billy to work with me for the day. I had non-noisy toys and books, food, and since we had just been camping, I grabbed that super awesome Go Crib and his naptime necessaries and packed him into the car. I suspected I wasn't going to get much work done, but it was worth a shot, right?

Well, I had him all strapped in to the carseat and decided to take one last look at him while he was strapped down. Hands? Clean. Mouth? Clean. Feet? Removing shoes, then socks and... damn. That dodged bullet sung right back around and hit the target right in the bulls eye. Crap.

So, I unpack the car and hoof him back inside and call out of work. At least he wasn't sick up on a mountain. Thank God for that. And he wasn't acting sick this morning. But, I knew it was coming.

By this afternoon he was one very unhappy former camper (insert rim shot for extremely lame joke).

Poor lil man. He's so unhappy and the rash is all over his body- more like chicken pox than HFMD. But, it's HFMD and he's suffering through the best he can.

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