Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 16, 2012 ~ Going Carters Cute

First off, a big super duper thank you with an extra dose of awesomeness to Grandma. She rocks. It's true.

So, I've been trudging through the wilderness of baby clothes for about a year and a half now, trying to make sense of it all. Every company seems to have different sizes. Styles are completely different. Some clothes are for long babies, some for fat babies, some for short babies. I mean, seriously, what DOES 0-6 months mean? Zero, that oh-so-cute-I'm-a-week-old-and weigh-7-pounds. Versus 6 months old, which could mean 15-20 pounds. The best I've seen is the 0-12 month size. I think they just couldn't figure out what size baby would fit into that and shot for the moon. I'm going to go out on a limb here- clothes for a newborn aren't going to fit a one-year-old. At least, in my world. Maybe baby clothes manufacturers live in a different reality.

So, here's my plug for my favorite brand. They have always fit Billy in the age range suggested (when you know how to read it aka 3months= 0-3 months). Are super cute. And while pricey sometimes, I'm always able to come up with a bargain. Let's face it: Billy looks cutest in Carters. Oh, and I'm not being paid to say it either.

Mommy's little fan

Cutest. Hat. Ever.

My favorite onsie of all time.

28, as in the year he'll graduate high school...

Love this dinosaur shirt. And who doesn't love plaid pants?

Rockin the Carters



Now, we've had plenty of other cute clothes from other companies. But after the cuteness of today's new outfit, you have to admit, sometimes it's worth going Carters cute.


  1. Oh great collection. Thanks for above all information. I like clothes for long babies, for fat babies and for short babies. Nice manufacturing of baby clothes.

    Baby Clothes
